SendHQ Features

SendHQ covers all you email sending and news publishing needs. It allows your school to publish periodic newsletter issues, send emails to staff, parents, students and wider school community, publish articles inside news centre and publish to social media.

Header graphic showing feature

Your school communications and marketing teams will love it.

Email Sending

Email editor

Structure and content

With our drag and drop editor you can create a beautiful looking email in no time. And they'll look great in every email client, on desktop and phone. There are no WYSIWYG editors. You build your email out of content blocks. To build an email you simply drag the section for your layout (single column, two columns, 2/3 two column section etc.), and then fill the columns with content, such as images, text, buttons and other types of content. If you've user user MailChimp or Campaign Monitor you'll know how this kind of email creation works.


You can save your creations as templates, and when you have to send your email again, you can simply use one of your templates as a starting point. This way you can create a template for all your frequently sent news, such as the announcement of the latest newsletter or a school tour. You can also copy the previously sent emails and simply edit the content.

Image Editing

Our simple, yet intuitive image editor will crop and resize the images you insert into your email.

Email testing and previews

The editor also allows you to send test emails, preview desktop and mobile version of your email. You can also add merge tags to the subject and the body of your emails, such as "Dear %title% %last_name%", which will pull in the information from your contacts. This will allow you personalise your emails.

Mailing Lists and Contacts


SendHQ can store all your parent, student, staff and alumni contacts in its database and store any number of attributes you may want to use in list segmentation and email personalisation.
All contacts reside in one place and every contact has its own set of attributes.

For example, a parent contact would have an attribute "Is Parent?" set to "Yes", and another attribute for the School Year(s) their child or children are in. They could have the subject codes their children are attending, which sport teams they're in, which houses they belong to and as many other attributes you may want to use or are able to get out of your SIS. Some schools will only have a single attribute, such as parent salutation and some will push in 30 different attributes form their school management system.


You have the ability to create unlimited mailing lists on SendHQ. You can generate your lists by segmenting your contacts according to attributes inside your filters. For example, you can create a list where "Is Parent" is "Yes" and "Student Year" is 12. You can then use that list when you want to email parents with children in year 12.

Lists can also be imported using a CSV file import. All your contact attributes will be available as column headings inside your import file.

You also have the ability to search and add any contact from your database to a mailing list.
We also provide a contacts API which allows you to create an automated sync with your school management system.

Newsletter Publishing

Newsletter Issues

Aggregating content

SendHQ allows you to easily aggregate content from all parts of your school into a beautifully designed newsletter, and to publish these on regular bases. You can create unlimited sections, such as Music, Sport, From Principal, From Librarian etc. and publish multiple newsletter stories under these sections. You can also add images which can be displayed inside an attractive photo gallery widget.

Publishing your newsletter in this way has many advantages over adding all your content to an email or sending your newsletter as a PDF attachment. Here are some of those advantages:

  • It insures that your content is mobile friendly and looks great on any platform.
  • You simply need to advise the parents that the newsletter is out, which makes the email much shorter and simpler, and hence easier to produce.
  • Because the email is smaller your delivery rate is much higher.
  • You can edit the content even after the email goes out in case there's a mistake in the content, which otherwise would be impossible.
  • Multiple staff can contribute to your newsletter.
  • The images are displayed inside a nice gallery widget.
  • It's easy to arrange stories and move the content around.

The list can go on and on but those are some of the main advantages.

Displaying content

Every issue you create is displayed on a separate URL, which you can specify or have it automatically generated. Some schools use this for SEO purposes, if it's something they need. The content can be styled to your heart's desire, or use a default way of displaying the content which has proven to work very well on all devices. A default content display is a two column layout, with a dynamically generated menu inside the left sidebar and the main body on the right. The menu shows the the newsletter sections and titles of submissions under each section. These are all in-page links for easy navigation.

You can also choose where you want to display your images, if you want to show bio photos of your staff members in their sections, you can set ordering on everything and every layout is a HTML file which can be edited and fully customised.

News centre

Posting news items

Featured news items

News centre is equivalent to a blog where you can post all your news items and display them in a nicely designed list and detail view. You can also embed your social media feeds and publish other types of content like videos. Imagine this as a mini site or a blog. You can select certain, well written items from your newsletters to appear here as well as inside your newsletter. You can create multiple categories for your items and display these on the news centre for easy news filtering.

In terms of styling, you have a full creative freedom here. Some schools like to use tiles for their list view and some prefer a traditional blog styles.